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The 2020 Data Breach Investigation: What We’ve Learned

The 2020 Data Breach Investigation: What We’ve Learned

At Switchfast, we’re always staying up-to-date on the latest technology and software to keep your business safe. That’s why our team recently attended a virtual Cyber Security Summit.

There were several interesting speakers and points made, but we found one piece of information the most helpful: The 2020 Data Breach Investigation Report (DBIR.)


This 119-page report has a lot to offer. It is specific, extensive, well-researched and very user-friendly (so it will be helpful even if you’re not a cyber pro!)

If you’d rather skip to the good stuff, here are a few significant points and statistics that we’d like to highlight:

  • Cloud assets were involved in about 24% of breaches this year.
  • 77% of those cloud breaches involved breach credentials.
  • Password dumpers have taken the top spot among breach Malware varieties.
    • For reference, a password dumper infiltrates a website’s cybersecurity and the contents of that website are made public, exposing user names and logins.
  • In 7% of the ransomware threads found in criminal forums and market places, ‘service’ was mentioned, suggesting that attackers don’t even need to be able to do the work themselves. They can simply rent the service, kick back, watch cat videos and wait for the loot to roll in.
  • Over 80% of breaches within Hacking involve Brute force or the Use of lost or stolen credentials.
  • Personal and Credential information, most likely confidential, lead the way as the two most affected attributes in breaches.

This report also included a thorough breakdown of the most affected industries and the number of security incidents that the DBIR has collected in the last year.

data breach investigation report switchfast

If you’re interested on the specifics for each industry, you can take a look here (without downloading the entire report.)

We found this to be a helpful resource as we continue to fight the good fight against cybercriminals. For more resources to combat the cybercriminal actions highlighted in the report, here are a few of our posts with actionable tips to protect your business:

As always, if you additional questions or are interested in learning how we can help protect your small business, please contact us today.

Switchfast is well-versed in making sure that companies like yours stay safe from cybercriminals, and we’re ready to help you, too.

To learn more about our cybersecurity services for small businesses, click here.