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Switchfast’s Most Popular Blogs of 2020

Switchfast’s Most Popular Blogs of 2020

2020 was a challenging year for cybersecurity. Without warning, businesses all over had to pivot from working in an office to working remotely. This created an untold number of risks. Suddenly, companies were sharing vulnerable business information and credentials over under-protected home networks, or through personal devices without the same virus software as their company ones.

With this big shift, digital criminals had the opportunity to level up their hacking game. They managed to slip through the cracks of this massive transition, becoming more dangerous than ever to small and large businesses alike.

In 2020, our blog covered the latest phishing scams your company needed to know about, as well as advice for navigating these unforeseen circumstances in your IT infrastructure. But a few of our pieces stood out from the rest.

Take a look at our most popular blogs of 2020 to see which topics mattered the most to our audience.


Avoid Costly Updates from Windows 7 and Windows 10 Blue Screen Errors

windows 7 windows 10 blue screen of death switchfast technologies Microsoft left up to 900 million users in a buggy and turbulent state of affairs when support for Windows 7 was ended and Windows 10 was updated.

Windows 7 users were warned that they’ll no longer receive security updates, software updates or tech support for this software. Likewise, Windows 10 users saw major bugs and errors in their update, with many sessions ending in blue screens.

Troubleshoot these costly issues with our tips  >>


How to Protect Yourself from Zoom Hijacking

zoom hacking zoom bombing switchfast technologies

This time last year, the word Zoom certainly didn’t hold as much weight as it does now. In the beginning of the year, people across the world were anxious about the possibility of getting Zoom-bombed. Even with additional protections provided by Zoom, the threat is not altogether gone.

Take a look at these security tips for staying safe on Zoom >>


How Secure is Your Company’s Cloud Storage?

cloud storage secure online storage switchfast technologies

 With so many people going remote, cloud storage became a must for small businesses. It w

as suddenly mandatory for companies to have an online place to store documents and information that could be accessed remotely from anywhere.

But not all cloud sto

rage systems are created equal. As we go into our second year of quarantine, now is the time to assess your storage platform and see if it’s still living up to your needs (and keeping your company safe.)

Is your cloud storage safe enough? >>


MSP vs MSSP and The Changing Role of IT Security

msp mssp changing role of it security switchfast technologies Today, businesses of all types are pressured to provide continuous business functionality while also keeping their clients’ information secure.

In the past, many companies relied on outsourced managed service providers (MSP) to do this for them. But this isn’t typically the primary focus of a traditional MSP. That’s why MSSP (managed security services provider) are becoming much more popular.

Let’s take a closer look at the difference between these two services by examining the managed services landscape and latest security trends.

What’s the difference? >>


The Best Password Managers of 2020

best password managers 2020 switchfast technologies With the notable increase of phishing and ransomware schemes making their way through everyone’s inboxes, we’ve made it clear that we think every one of our readers should have a reliable password manager.

Why a password manager is so helpful isn’t a new topic for us, but while we’ve covered how password managers work and how they keep your information safe, we haven’t discussed which options we believe to be the best. Let’s take a closer look at our top picks.

Our favorite password managers >>


Don't Forget!

In addition to our monthly blogs, we also put together a helpful free download to keep your business secure while remote:

Download Our Remote IT Worker Checklist

You can find additional free downloads and guides from Switchfast here.

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